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Drop-Off & Pickup

Morning drop-off procedures

When dropping your child off, use the front of the building (Door A) on the south side of the school. Please stay in a single file line when entering the drop-off area; we also ask that you please keep the crosswalk area open for people crossing the parking lot. This area is a one-way driving zone; do not turn around and go the wrong way to exit. Remember, accessible parking spaces are designated only for those who have an accessible parking sticker.

Birch Grove students should not report to school before 9:15 a.m., as we have no adult supervision available. 

All students arriving after 9:30 a.m. will receive a late slip from the office. Late buses are excused. 

Afternoon pickup procedures

When picking up your child, use the front of the building (Door A) on the south side of the school. Please stop along the sidewalk or use a parking spot. The morning procedures of staying in a single file line, keeping the crosswalk open, and only driving one way in the parking lot also apply in the afternoon. Remember, accessible parking spaces are designated only for those who have an accessible parking sticker.

Safety and security

Please be aware that only the main doors in front of the school will be open after school has started for the day. If you need to leave your vehicle to enter the building, please use a parking spot in the lot. Students waiting for pick up should wait on the large part of the sidewalk in front of the school (not on grass).

If plans of after-school transportation have changed for your child, please call the office by 3:30 p.m. so your message will get delivered to the classroom teacher. Calls not received by this time are not guaranteed to be relayed.


Bike racks have been provided for the orderly storage of bikes while students are in school. All bicycles must be parked in those racks. We recommend that students secure bicycles with a lock since the school is not responsible for bike theft or damage. Only ride bikes before and after school. Bikers need to walk their bike while on school grounds.